Split twig blog
Copy or upload (remove .js after copy/upload) to /xtgem_templates/xtblog.twig

Create a folder /xtgem_templates/blogblocks/
Copy or upload all the following files (remove .js after copy/upload) to /xtgem_templates/blogblocks/
Upload/copy to main filebrowser (root) as blog.css the file is linked in _headtags
Post list default image
Upload to blog_images This is the default image used in the post list when the post does not have a image
BBcode tool javascript
Upload/copy to /js folder as /js/bbcode.js the script is called in The blog function page above the blog function
Related posts xtscript full page code
NOTE: Do not use [ ] or | in post names if you use this script or it will break the related posts code
upload/copy (remove .js after upload)
Standard blog full page code
upload/copy (remove .js after upload)
Headtags header and footer
This contains the bootstrap and custom blog css links
The code for the header of this site it also contains the bootstrap and jquery links
This sites footer contains code to fix the xtgem auth bar at the bottom of the page

pacman, rainbows, and roller s